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Event Sourcing Utilities for the JVM

Based on the cloud events specification
  • Java
  • Kotlin
public class ApplicationService {

    private final EventStore eventStore;
    private final Converter converter;

    public ApplicationService(EventStore eventStore, Converter converter) {
        this.eventStore = eventStore;
        this.converter = converter;

    public void execute(String streamId, Function<Stream<DomainEvent>, Stream<DomainEvent>> functionThatCallsDomainModel) {
        // Read all events from the event store for a particular stream
        EventStream<CloudEvent> eventStream =;
        // Convert the cloud events into domain events
        Stream<DomainEvent> persistedDomainEvents =;

        // Call a pure function from the domain model which returns a Stream of domain events  
        Stream<DomainEvent> newDomainEvents = functionThatCallsDomainModel.apply(persistedDomainEvents);

        // Convert domain events to cloud events and write them to the event store  
        eventStore.write(streamId, eventStream.version(),;
class ApplicationService constructor (val eventStore : EventStore, val converter : Converter) {

    fun execute(streamId : String, functionThatCallsDomainModel : (Stream<DomainEvent>) -> Stream<DomainEvent>) {
        // Read all events from the event store for a particular stream
        val  eventStream : EventStream<CloudEvent> =
        // Convert the cloud events into domain events
        val persistedDomainEvents : Stream<DomainEvent> =

        // Call a pure function from the domain model which returns a Stream of domain events
        val newDomainEvents = functionThatCallsDomainModel(persistedDomainEvents)

        // Convert domain events to cloud events and write them to the event store
        eventStore.write(streamId, eventStream.version(),

What is Occurrent?


You should be able to design your domain model without any dependencies to Occurrent or any other library. Your domain model can be expressed with pure functions that returns events. Use Occurrent to store these events.


Pick only the libraries you need, no need for an all or nothing solution.


You should be in control! Magic is kept to a minimum and data is stored in a standard format (cloud events). You are responsible for serializing/deserializing the cloud events "body" (data) yourself.


Use the Occurrent components as lego bricks to compose your own pipelines. Components are designed to be small so that you should be able to re-write them tailored to your own needs if required. Write your own problem/domain specific layer on-top of Occurrent.


Designed to be used as a library and not a framework to the greatest extent possible.


Need consistent projections? You can decide to write projections and events transactionally using tools you already know (such as Spring @Transactional)!


Cloud events is a CNCF specification for describing event data in a common way. CloudEvents seeks to dramatically simplify event declaration and delivery across services, platforms, and beyond!

Data Format

Since you know that events are stored as Cloud Events even in the database you can use the database to your advantage. For example you can create custom indexes used for fast and fully consistent domain queries directly on an event stream (or even multiple streams).