Occurrent 0.19.7 is released:

  • Implemented “in” conditions so you can now do e.g. subscriptionModel.subscribe("id", OccurrentSubscriptionFilter.filter(Filter.streamVersion(Condition.in(12L, 14L)). There’s also a Kotlin extension function, isIn, which can be imported from org.occurrent.condition.isIn.
  • Upgraded kotlin from 2.0.20 to 2.0.21
  • Upgraded spring-boot from 3.3.3 to 3.3.5
  • Upgraded spring-data-mongodb from 4.3.3 to 4.3.5
  • Upgraded mongodb-driver-sync from 5.1.4 to 5.2.0
  • Upgraded jobrunr from 7.2.3 to 7.3.1
  • Upgraded project reactor from 3.6.9 to 3.6.11